
OHWAD-Basic words





#1 wall

#2 to gorge


Example sentences:

Régi a ház fala, ezért nehéz bele fúrni.

Old the house wall-its, therefore difficult into-it to-drill.

The walls of the house are old, therefore it’s difficult to drill into them.


Úgy faltad ezt a hamburger, mintha három napja nem ettél volna.

That-way gorged-you this-the hamburger, as-if three day-since not ate-you would.

You gorged on this hamburger as if you wouldn’t have eaten for three days.


Related terms:


beton – concrete (n.)

falaz – to stonewall

fúr – to drill

kép – picture

lóg – to hang

szög – nail

tégla – brick


to gorge:

eszik – to eat

éhes – hungry

étel – food

falánk – gluttonous

kaja – food (colloq.)

kajál – to eat (colloq.)



Pronunciation of today’s word:

fal – wall, to gorge



Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Régi a ház fala, ezért nehéz bele fúrni.

Old the house wall-its, therefore difficult into-it to-drill.

The walls of the house are old, therefore it’s difficult to drill into them.


Úgy faltad ezt a hamburger, mintha három napja nem ettél volna.

That-way gorged-you this-the hamburger, as-if three day-since not ate-you would.

You gorged on this hamburger as if you wouldn’t have eaten for three days.



Pronunciation of the related terms:




beton – concrete (n.)


falaz – to stonewall


fúr – to drill


kép – picture


lóg – to hang


szög – nail


tégla – brick



to gorge:


eszik – to eat


éhes – hungry


étel – food


falánk – gluttonous


kaja – food (colloq.)


kajál – to eat (colloq.)



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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