
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

A ház már lángokban állt, mikor jöttek a tűzoltók.

The house already flames-in stood, when came-they the firemen.

The house was already in flames when the firemen came.


A tábortűz lángjai különösen szépek voltak a sötétben.

The bonfire flames-its particularly beautiful were the darkness-in.

The flames of the bonfire were particularly beautiful in darkness.


Related terms:

elég – to combust (to burn up completely) (also: enough)

ég – to burn (also: sky)

éget – to burn so./sth.

égető – burning (e.g. égető kérdés = burning question)

fa – tree, wood

fény – light

forró – hot

gyertya – candle

meggyújt – to light

olt – to extinguish

tábortűz – campfire

tűz – fire

tűzoltó – fireman

veszélyes – dangerous



Pronunciation of today’s word:

láng – flame


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A ház már lángokban állt, mikor jöttek a tűzoltók.

The house already flames-in stood, when came-they the firemen.

The house was already in flames when the firemen came.


A tábortűz lángjai különösen szépek voltak a sötétben.

The bonfire flames-its particularly beautiful were the darkness-in.

The flames of the bonfire were particularly beautiful in darkness.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

elég – to combust (to burn up completely) (also: enough)


ég – to burn (also: sky)


éget – to burn so./sth.


égető – burning (e.g. égető kérdés = burning question)


fa – tree, wood


fény – light


forró – hot


gyertya – candle


meggyújt – to light


tábortűz – campfire


tűz – fire


tűzoltó – fireman


veszélyes – dangerous



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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