Example sentences:
Örökké szeretni foglak.
Forever to-love will-I-you.
I’ll love you forever.
Mint minden más, ez sem fog örökké tartani.
As everything other, this neither will forever to-last.
Like everything else, this, too, won’t last forever.
Related terms:
elmúlik – to pass (ie. to be over)
örök – eternal
örökbe fogad – to adopt (literally: to take so. eternally)
örökkön örökké – forever and ever
örökre – forever (often interchangeable)
örököl – to inherit
örökös – perpetual, also: heir
vég – end
véget ér – to end, to come to an end
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Forever to-love will-I-you.
I’ll love you forever.
As everything other, this neither will forever to-last.
Like everything else, this, too, won’t last forever.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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