
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Egy kis faluban élek Debrecen mellett.

A tiny village-in live-I Debrecen next-to.

I live in a tiny village next to Debrecen.


Falun általában közelebb vagy a természethez, mint egy városban.

Village-on usually closer are-you the nature-to, than a city-in.

In a village, you’re usually closer to nature than in the city.


Related terms:

falusi – rural

ház – house

kert – garden

közösség – community

lakás – flat

lakos – inhabitant

messze – far

szomszéd – neighbor

természet – nature

város – city


Pronunciation of today’s word:

falu – village



Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Egy kis faluban élek Debrecen mellett.

A tiny village-in live-I Debrecen next-to.

I live in a tiny village next to Debrecen.


Falun általában közelebb vagy a természethez, mint egy városban.

Village-on usually closer are-you the nature-to, than a city-in.

In a village, you’re usually closer to nature than in the city.



Pronunciation of the related terms:

falusi – rural


ház – house


kert – garden


közösség – community


lakás – flat


lakos – inhabitant


messze – far


szomszéd – neighbor


természet – nature


város – city


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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1 reply
  1. Richard Bell says:

    I think that “in A city” rather than THE city is correct for egy városban. I’m also intrigued by the use of falun rather than faluban but I often get this wrong, for example, the difference between utcán and utcában. Lakom az utcában, de hegedülök az utcán.


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