
OHWAD-Basic words





to give


Example sentences:

Adok tízezer forintot kajára.

Give-I ten-thousand forint food-for.

I’ll give you 10.000 HUF for food.


Add ide a sót, kérlek!

Give-you here-to the salt(acc.), ask-I-you.

Give me the salt, please


Related terms:

adakozik – to donate

adomány – donation

adó – tax

ajándék – gift

ajándékoz – to gift

átad – to hand over

bőkezű – generous

elad – to sell

felad – to give up, to send (via post)

kiad – to rent out, to give out


Not to be confused with:

adag – portion

adat – data


Additional Material for our Supporters:


Pronunciation of today’s word:

ad – to give


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Adok tízezer forintot kajára.

Give-I ten-thousand forint food-for.

I’ll give you 10.000 HUF for food.


Add ide a sót, kérlek!

Give-you here-to the salt(acc.), ask-I-you.

Give me the salt, please


Pronunciation of the related terms:

adakozik – to donate


adomány – donation


adó – tax


ajándék – gift


átad – to hand over


bőkezű – generous


elad – to sell


felad – to give up, to send (via post)


kiad – to rent out, to give out


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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