material (also educational)
Example sentences:
Milyen anyagból van ez a váza?
What-kind-of material-out-of is this the vase?
What material is this vase made of?
Nem tudok ennyi anyagot megtanulni egy nap alatt.
Not can-I this-much material(acc.) to-learn one day under.
I can’t learn this amount of material within a day.
Related terms:
agyag – clay
bársony – velvet
fa – wood
fém – metal
műanyag – plastic (literally: artificial material)
műszál – synthetics (literally: artificial fiber)
pamut – cotton
selyem – silk
tananyag – educational material
tömeg – mass
Not to be confused with:
agyag – clay
anya – mother (💡 fun fact: Hungarian calls material anyag (so similar to anya=mother) because someone confused the latin words mater (mother) and materia.)
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
What-kind-of material-out-of is this the vase?
What material is this vase made of?
Not can-I this-much material(acc.) to-learn one day under.
I can’t learn this amount of material within a day.
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!
I was thinking of cloth for making clothes, which is called material in English. Since women have usually been the ones to make clothing, including for their children, I thought the word “anyag” came from the concept of it being something that mothers use? OK, a little far fetched, especially since “anyag” refers to all kinds of materials, not just cloth. But that’s where my mind went when I first saw the choices.