
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

A kisfiam a legynagyobb bajnok.

The little-boy-my the biggest champion.

My little boy is the biggest champion.


Az is lehet bajnok, aki nem nyer.

That too can-be champion, who not wins.

Those who don’t win can still be champions.


Related terms:

dobogó – podium

érem – medal

győz / győztes – to win / winner

hős – hero

játék – game

játékos – player

játszik – to play

nyer / nyertes – to win / winner (almost synonym of győz)

szuperhős – superhero

verseny – competition


Pronunciation of today’s word:



Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A kisfiam a legynagyobb bajnok.

The little-boy-my the biggest champion.

My little boy is the biggest champion.


Az is lehet bajnok, aki nem nyer.

That too can-be champion, who not wins.

Those who don’t win can still be champions.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

dobogó – podium


érem – medal


győz / győztes – to win / winner


hős – hero


játék – game


játékos – player


játszik – to play


nyer / nyertes – to win / winner (almost synonym of győz)


szuperhős – superhero


verseny – competition


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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1 reply
  1. Mary D Raupp says:

    Juli–I did not receive any sound to hear my pronunciation today. I don’t know what happened to the sound. Can you please check on this for me—-Thank you so much–Mary


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