
OHWAD-Basic words





result (n.)


Example sentences:

A kemény munkának mindig van valami eredménye.

The hard work-for always exists some result-its.

Hard work always has some results.


Tudom az eredményt, de nem értem.

Know-it-I the result(acc.)., but not understand-it-I.

I know the result but don’t understand it.


Related terms:

cél – goal, target

eredményes – successful (i.e. bearing results)

eredménytelen – inconclusive, also: unsuccessful

helyes – right, correct

hibás – faulty, wrong

hibátlan – error-free

következmény – consequence

mennyiség – amount

sikeres – successful

sikertelen – unsuccessful

számít – to count, to matter

számítás – calculation

számol – to calculate


Pronunciation of today’s word:

eredmeny – result (n.)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A kemény munkának mindig van valami eredménye.

The hard work-for always exists some result-its.

Hard work always has some results.


Tudom az eredményt, de nem értem.

Know-it-I the result(acc.)., but not understand-it-I.

I know the result but don’t understand it.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

cél – goal, target


eredményes – successful (i.e. bearing results)


eredménytelen – inconclusive, also: unsuccessful


helyes – right, correct


hibás – faulty, wrong


hibátlan – error-free


következmény – consequence


mennyiség – amount


sikeres – successful


sikertelen – unsuccessful


számít – to count, to matter


számol – to calculate


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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