
OHWAD-Basic words





on foot, walking (adv.)


Example sentences:

A városban gyalog sokszor gyorsabb vagyok, mint autóval.

The city-in on-foot many-times faster am-I, than car-with.

In the city, I’m often faster on foot than by car.


Menjünk gyalog!

Go-shall-we on-foot!

Let’s walk.


Related terms:

autó – car

gyalogol – to go on foot, to walk (but not for leisure; that’s sétál)

gyalogos – pedestrian

gyors – fast

lassú – slow

láb – leg

lábfej – foot

lámpa – (traffic) light

piros – red

séta – walk (n.)

sétál – to walk

tömegközlekedés – public transportation

zebra – crosswalk

zöld – green


Additional Material for our Supporters:


Pronunciation of today’s word:

gyalog – on foot, walking (adv.)


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A városban gyalog sokszor gyorsabb vagyok, mint autóval.

The city-in on-foot many-times faster am-I, than car-with.

In the city, I’m often faster on foot than by car.


Menjünk gyalog!

Go-shall-we on-foot!

Let’s walk.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

autó – car


gyalogos – pedestrian


gyalogol – to go on foot, to walk (but not for leisure; that’s sétál)


gyors – fast


lassú – slow


láb – leg


lábfej – foot


lámpa – (traffic) light


piros – red


séta – walk (n.)


sétál – to walk


tömegközlekedés – public transportation


zebra – crosswalk


zöld – green


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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