to collect, to gather
Example sentences:
Bélyegeket gyűjtök.
Stamps collect-I.
I collect stamps.
A tengerparton a kislányom mindig gyűjt érdekes kagylókat és köveket.
The beach-on the little-daughter-my always collects interesting shells(acc.) and stones(acc.).
When on the beach, my little daughter always collects interesting shells and stones.
Related terms:
felhalmoz – to amass
halom – mass (of stuff) (n.), pile (n.)
gyülekezik – to gather (actively, e.g. group of people)
gyűjtemény – collection
gyűlik – to accumulate (passively)
gyűjtő – collector
rendez – to sort
szed – to pick (e.g. berries)
tárol – to store
Not to be confused with:
gyújt – to light, to ignite
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
Stamps collect-I.
I collect stamps.
A tengerparton a kislányom mindig gyűjt érdekes kagylókat és köveket.
The beach-on the little-daughter-my always collects interesting shells(acc.) and stones(acc.).
When on the beach, my little daughter always collects interesting shells and stones.
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
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