
OHWAD-Basic words





to listen, to remain silent


Example sentences:

Munkához szeretek zenét hallgatni.

Work-for like-I music(acc.) to-listen.

I like to listen to music when I work.


Nem tudtam hozzászólni a témához, úgyhogy inkább hallgattam.

Not could-I add the topic-to, so rather remained-silent-I.

I couldn’t add to the topic so I rather remained silent.


Related terms:

csend – silence

elhallgat – to fall silent

fül – ear

fülel – to eavesdrop

hall – to hear

hallatlan – outrageous (“unheard of”)

hallgatag – taciturn

kihallgat – to interrogate

meghallgat – to listen (with full attention, to the end)

néma – mute


Pronunciation of today’s word:

hallgat – to listen, to remain silent


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Munkához szeretek zenét hallgatni.

Work-for like-I music(acc.) to-listen.

I like to listen to music when I work.


Nem tudtam hozzászólni a témához, úgyhogy inkább hallgattam.

Not could-I add the topic-to, so rather remained-silent-I.

I couldn’t add to the topic so I rather remained silent.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

csend – silence


elhallgat – to fall silent


fül – ear


fülel – to eavesdrop


hall – to hear


hallatlan – outrageous (“unheard of”)


hallgatag – taciturn


kihallgat – to interrogate


meghallgat – to listen (with full attention, to the end)


néma – mute


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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