
OHWAD-Basic words





where (to)? (indicates movement)


Example sentences:

Hova mész?

Where-to go-you?

Where are you going?


Bár tudnám hova, de hova, de hova, de hova megyek.

If-only know-would-I where, but where, but where, but where go-I.

If only I knew where, but where, but where, but where I’m going. [Lyrics from the famous Hungarian song Az utcán (“On the Street”) by 60s rock band Illés Együttes. You can listen to it with lyrics here.]


Related terms:

cél – destination (also: goal)

eltéved – to get lost

hely – place, location

hol? – where? (without movement)

irány – direction

megy – to go

merre? – which way? (indicates movement)

út – way

utca – street


Pronunciation of today’s word:

hova? – where (to)? (indicates movement)


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Hova mész?

Where-to go-you?

Where are you going?


Bár tudnám hova, de hova, de hova, de hova megyek.

If-only know-would-I where, but where, but where, but where go-I.

If only I knew where, but where, but where, but where I’m going. [Lyrics from the famous Hungarian song Az utcán (“On the Street”) by 60s rock band Illés Együttes. You can listen to it with lyrics here.]


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

cél – destination (also: goal)


eltéved – to get lost


hely – place, location


hol? – where? (without movement)


megy – to go


merre? – which way? (indicates movement)


irány – direction


út – way


utca – street


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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