manager, director, headmaster, principal (of a school)
literally: the one who adjusts
Example sentences:
Az igazgatónak senki nem mer visszaszólni.
Nobody dares to object the director.
[The director-for nobody not dares back-say.]
A végső döntés az igazgatónál van.
The manager has to make the final decision.
[The final decision the manager-at is.]
Related terms:
menedzser – another word you can use for manager
vezérigazgató – CEO
asszisztens – assistent
titkárnő – secretary
döntés – decision
felelősség – responsibility
beosztott – employee
iroda – office
elbocsát – to lay off
kirúg – to sack, to fire (more colloq.)
Not to be confused with:
igazít, igazgat – to adjust, to correct
igaz – true
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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Igazgató is also the principal of a school.
Absolutely! Thank you, Anikó, for adding this 🙂 I just added it above. Have a great day! /Juli