
OHWAD-Basic words





too, also


Example sentences:

Én is szeretnék jönni este!

I too I-would-like-to to-come evening!

I also want to come in the evening!


A nyarat és a telet is szeretem.

The summer and the winter(acc.) too like-it-I.

I like summer and winter too. (Ie. I like both summer and winter).


Is in a sentence

In a sentence, is always comes after the thing in question you emphasize with it. It never stands at the beginning of a sentence. It doesn’t work like the English Also… (~furthermore) at the beginning of a sentence. Therefore, it’s closer to the English too than to also. Note how too wouldn’t ever stand at the beginning of a sentence, either.

Ie. If you talk about apples and pears too, is will come immediately after the pears in the sentence.

In the above examples, én (I) and tél/telet (winter), acted as the second thing in question, respectively. Note how is follows immediately after them in the sentences.


Related terms:

először is – first of all

is-is – (a little bit of) both

mégis – still, nevertheless

mindkettő – both

továbbá – furthermore

végül is – in the end, after all



Pronunciation of today’s word:

is – too, also



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Én is szeretnék jönni este!

I too I-would-like-to to-come evening!

I also want to come in the evening!


A nyarat és a telet is szeretem.

The summer and the winter(acc.) too like-it-I.

I like summer and winter too. (Ie. I like both summer and winter).


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

először is – first of all


is-is – (a little bit of) both


mégis – still, nevertheless


mindkettő – both


továbbá – furthermore


végül is – in the end, after all



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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