
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Boldog karácsonyt!

Happy Christmas(acc.)!

Merry Christmas.


Mit csinálsz karácsonykor?

What do-you Christmas-at?

How will you spend Christmas?


Related terms:

ad – to give

ajándék – gift

angyal – angel

boldog – happy, merry

család – family

csillag – star

dísz – decoration, ornament

fehér karácsony – white Christmas

hó – snow

Jézuska – Baby Jesus

karácsonyfa – Christmas tree

keresztény – Christian

szenteste  – Christmas Eve

télapó – Santa Claus (literally: Father Winter)

újév – New Year

ünnep – celebration, festivity

ünnepek – the time around Christmas and New Year’s Eve (literally: the celebrations)

vacsora – dinner


Pronunciation of today’s word:

karácsony – Christmas


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Boldog karácsonyt!

Happy Christmas(acc.)!

Merry Christmas.


Mit csinálsz karácsonykor?

What do-you Christmas-at?

How will you spend Christmas?


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:


ad – to give


ajándék – gift


ajándékoz – to give a present, to gift


angyal – angel


boldog – happy, merry


család – family


csillag – star


dísz – decoration, ornament


fehér karácsony – white Christmas


hó – snow


Jézuska – Baby Jesus


karácsonyfa – Christmas tree


keresztény – Christian


szenteste  – Christmas Eve


télapó – Santa Claus (literally: Father Winter)


újév – New Year


ünnep – celebration, festivity


ünnepek – the time around Christmas and New Year’s Eve (literally: the celebrations)


vacsora – dinner


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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