
OHWAD-Basic words





to burn out (ki = out; égés = burning)


Example sentences:

A kiégést komolyan kell venni.

The burnout(acc.) seriously is-needed to take.

Burnout is to be taken seriously.


A rengeteg stresszt és munkát sokszor kiégés követi.

The tremendous-amount stress(acc.) and work(acc.) often burnout follows-it.

A tremendous amount of stress and work are often followed by burnout.


Related terms:

depresszió – depression

egészség – health

egészségtelen – unhealthy

ég – to burn

fáradtság – exhaustion

ki – out

kiég – to burn out

munka – work

stressz – stress

szellemi egészség – mental health

szünet – pause


Pronunciation of today’s word:

kiégés – burnout


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

A kiégést komolyan kell venni.

The burnout(acc.) seriously is-needed to take.

Burnout is to be taken seriously.


A rengeteg stresszt és munkát sokszor kiegés követi.

The tremendous-amount stress(acc.) and work(acc.) often burnout follows-it.

A tremendous amount of stress and work are often followed by burnout.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

depresszió – depression


egészség – health


egészségtelen – unhealthy


ég – to burn


faradtság – exhaustion


ki – out


kiég – to burn out


munka – work


stressz – stress


szellemi egészség – mental health


szünet – pause


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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