library (könyv = book, tár = storage; literally: book-storage)
Example sentences:
A csend miatt szeretek könyvtárba járni.
The silence because-of like-it-I library-into to-go-regularly.
I like to go to the library because of the silence.
Egy könyvtár rengeteg tudást rejt.
A library tremendous amount knowledge hides.
There’s a tremendous amount of knowledge in a library.
Related terms:
csend – silence
kölcsönöz – to borrow
könyv – book
könyvesbolt – bookstore
könyvespolc – bookshelf
nyugalom – calmness
olvas – to read
tanul – to study
tár – warehouse, storage
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
The silence because-of like-it-I library-into to-go-regularly.
I like to go to the library because of the silence.
A library tremendous amount knowledge hides.
There’s a tremendous amount of knowledge in a library.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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