hungover (literally: other-day-ish)
Example sentences:
Inni szeretek, de másnaposnak lenni utálok.
To-drink like-I, but hungover-for to-be hate-I.
I like to drink but hate being hungover.
Ha nem keverem a piát és nem cigizek, akkor sokkal kevésbé leszek másnapos.
If not mix-I the drink and not smoke-I, then much-with less become-I hungover.
If I don’t mix my drinks and don’t smoke I’m a lot less hungover.
Related terms:
alkohol – alcohol
berug – to get drunk
bebasz – more colloquial, vulgar term for “to get drunk”
bor – wine
buli, parti – party
cigi – cigarette
drog / drogozik – drug / to take drugs
drogos – junkie
emlékezetkiesés – gap in one’s memory
egyéjszakás kaland – one night stand (literally: one-night-ish adventure)
esemény utáni tabletta – morning-after pill (literally: happening after-ish pill)
fű – marijuana
füves cigi – joint (literally: grass-ish cigarette)
kocsma – pub, bar
koktél – cocktail
pia – drink (colloq.; usually alcohol is meant, but can be non-alcoholic, too)
sör – beer
szórakozóhely – club (to party) (literally: a place to have fun)
verekedés – (physical) fight
veszekedés (verbal) fight
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