Meaning 1:
(also: womb)
Example sentences:
A méhek csak akkor csípnek, ha fenyegetve érzik magukat.
The bees only then sting, if threatened feel-they themselves.
Bees only sting if they feel threatened.
A méhekkel ellentétben a darazsak sokszor agresszívak.
The bees opposite-in the wasps often aggressive.
Unlike bees, wasps are often aggressive.
Related terms:
beporoz – to pollinate
csíp – to sting
darázs – wasp
fullánk – stinger
méhecske – twee term for bee (often used with children)
méhész – beekeeper
méz – honey
rovar – insect
veszélyeztetett – endangered
virág – flower, blossom
Not to be confused with:
még – yet, still
mély – deep
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
The bees only then sting, if threatened feel-they themselves.
Bees only sting if they feel threatened.
The bees opposite-in the wasps often aggressive.
Unlike bees, wasps are often aggressive.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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