To function, to work, to be operating
Example sentences:
Már megint nem működik a mosógép!
Yet again not works the washing-machine!
The washing machine’s not working again.
Egy kapcsolat akkor működik, ha megvan a kölcsönös tisztelet.
A relationship then functions, if [enhancement-]exists the mutual respect.
A relationship can only function if there is mutual respect.
Related terms:
dolgozik – to work
elromlik – to bust, to break down, to cease working
eltörik – to break
gép – machine
leáll – to stall, to come to a halt
működőképes – viable, functionable
tönkremegy – synonym to elromlik (to bust, to break, to break down)
üzemel – to be in operation, to be running
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Yet again not works the washing-machine!
The washing machine’s not working again.
A relationship then functions, if [enhancement-]exists the mutual respect.
A relationship can only function if there is mutual respect.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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