generous (literally: big-soul; someone with a big soul: nagy = big, lélek = soul)
Example sentences:
A nagymamámnak nincs sok pénze, de ettől függetlenül nagyon nagylelkű.
The grandma-mine-for not-exists a-lot money-hers, but this-from independently very generous.
My grandma doesn’t have a lot of money but she’s very generous regardless.
Fel akartam mondani, de a főnököm tett egy nagylelkű ajánlatot.
Up wanted-I to say, but the boss-my made a generous offer. (to up-say(felmond) = to quit)
I wanted to quit but my boss made a generous offer.
Related terms:
ad – to give
adakozik – to donate
ajánlat – offer
fukar – tight-fisted
irigy – jealous, envious
kapzsi – greedy
készséges – eager, willing
lelkiismeret – conscience (literally: to know your soul, the knowing of the soul)
lélek – soul
nagy – big
segít – to help
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