
OHWAD-Basic words





to yell


Example sentences:

Csak az ordít, aki fél.

Only that yells, who is-afraid.

Only those yell who are afraid. [idiom; also used with kiabál]


Attól, hogy ordítasz, nem lesz igazad.

That-from, that yell-you, not will-be truth-yours.

You won’t be right just because you yell.


Related terms:

agresszív – aggressive

erőszak – violence

hangos – loud

kiabál – to yell, to scream (less intense than ordít)

lárma – noise

mérges – angry

önkontroll – self-control

tisztelet – respect

tiszteletlen – disrespectful

üvölt – to yell, to howl




Pronunciation of today’s word:

ordít – to yell



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Csak az ordít, aki fél.

Only that yells, who is-afraid.

Only those yell who are afraid. [idiom; also used with kiabál]


Attól, hogy ordítasz, nem lesz igazad.

That-from, that yell-you, not will-be truth-yours.

You won’t be right just because you yell.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

agresszív – aggressive


erőszak – violence


hangos – loud


kiabál – to yell, to scream (less intense than ordít)


lárma – noise


mérges – angry


önkontroll – self-control


tisztelet – respect


tiszteletlen – disrespectful


üvölt – to yell, to howl


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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