
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Péter minden héten vesz egy új pólót.

Peter every week-on buys a new t-shirt.

Peter buys a new shirt every week.


Nyáron szeretek pólóban lenni, mert kényelmes.

Summer-on like-I t-shirt-in to-be, because comfortable.

I like to wear t-shirts in the summer because it’s comfortable.


Related terms:

divat – fashion, trend

egyenruha – uniform (n.)

hónalj – armpit

ing – shirt (with buttons)

minta – pattern

nyak – neck

pamut – cotton

ruha – clothing

sportos – sporty, athletic

szabás – cut, tailoring

színes – colorful

tépőzár – Velcro

ujj – sleeve (also: finger)

zakó – jacket


Pronunciation of today’s word:

póló – t-shirt



Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Péter minden héten vesz egy új pólót.

Peter every week-on buys a new t-shirt.

Peter buys a new shirt every week.


Nyáron szeretek pólóban lenni, mert kényelmes.

Summer-on like-I t-shirt-in to-be, because comfortable.

I like to wear t-shirts in the summer because it’s comfortable.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

divat – fashion, trend


egyenruha – uniform (n.)


hónalj – armpit


ing – shirt (with buttons)


minta – pattern


nyak – neck


pamut – cotton


ruha – clothing


sportos – sporty, athletic


szabás – cut, tailoring


színes – colorful


tépőzár – Velcro


ujj – sleeve (also: finger)


zakó – jacket



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments, and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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