old (only things and plants, not people or animals)
Example sentences:
Szeretem a régi idők tárgyait.
Like-them-I the old times objects-its(acc.).
I like objects from old times.
Már nagyon régi a telefonom, de legalább sokáig bírja az aksija. (aksi = colloq. for akkumulátor)
Already very old the phone-my, but at-least long-until lasts the battery-its.
My phone is really old but at least it has long battery life.
Related terms:
fiatal – young
idő – time
idős – old (only people and animals, more polite than öreg)
múlt – past (n.)
öreg – old (only people and animals)
ősrégi – ancient (very old)
régen – a long time ago
régies – archaic, old-timey
régimódi – outdated, antiquated
régiség – old-timer, vintage stuff
új – new
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
Like-them-I the old times objects-its(acc.).
I like objects from old times.
Already very old the phone-my, but at-least long-until lasts the battery-its.
My phone is really old but at least it has long battery life.
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
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