order, tidiness
Example sentences:
Mire visszajövök, legyen rend a szobádban!
Until back-come-I be(imp.) order the room-yours-in!
I want your room to be in order when I come back.
Az okos rendet tart, de a zesni uralkodik a káoszon.
The smart(n.) order keeps, but the genius rules the chaos-on.
A smart person keeps order, but a genius rules over the chaos.
Related terms:
rendes – orderly, in order, but also: nice, likeable
rendőrség – police
rendet rak – to tidy up
rendetlen – messy
takarít – to clean (the house)
káosz – chaos
kaotikus – chaotic
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
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I figured rend meant order as the word for policeman is rendor – order keeper.
Susan, exactly! Good job! 🙂