
OHWAD-Basic words





policeman, policewoman (rend = order; őr = guard – literally: guard of order)


Example sentences:

Lassíts, mert megállít a rendőr!

Slow-you down, because stop(actively) the policeman/policewoman!

Slow down, because the policeman/policewoman will stop you otherwise.


A rendőrök folyamatosan köröznek az utakon.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam-they the streets-on.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam the streets.


Related terms:

büntetés – fine (n.), punishment

egyenruha – uniform

kék – blue

köröz – to cruise, to go in circles

letartóztat – to arrest

őr – guard

őriz – to guard

rend – order (n.)

rendes – orderly

rendezett – tidy, in order

rendőrautó – policecar

rendőrnő – policewoman (While there’s this separate term for policewomen, rendőr can also be used for female police officers.)

rendőrség – police (institution)


Additional Material for our Supporters:


Pronunciation of today’s word:

rendőr – policeman, policewoman


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Lassíts, mert megállít a rendőr!

Slow-you down, because stop(actively) the policeman/policewoman!

Slow down, because the policeman/policewoman will stop you otherwise.


A rendőrök folyamatosan köröznek az utakon.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam-they the streets-on.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam the streets.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

büntetés – fine (n.), punishment


egyenruha – uniform


kék – blue


köröz – to cruise, to go in circles


letartóztat – to arrest


őr – guard


őriz – to guard


rend – order (n.)


rendes – orderly


rendezett – tidy, in order


rendőrautó – police car


rendőrnő – policewoman (While there’s this separate term for policewomen, rendőr can also be used for female police officers.)


rendőrség – police (institution)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations, or learning tips below in the comments. Remember: the more you use a new word, the easier it’ll stick in your memory!


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1 reply
  1. peter says:

    not useful to remember a word. but a memory to stick:
    the first time i entered hungary, i was nine. they would stop the train and enter it in groups of four, armed with submachine guns. they would check under each and every seat for whatever.
    a day later at the beach i learnt that some nice places were only for those who work for the administration. their numberplates would start with A(?)
    the rest of my stay was all traubisoda, dinye, apricots, tök, tejföl a lot of fun with some of nicest and most welcoming people i ever got to know.


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