
OHWAD-Basic words





policeman, policewoman (rend = order; őr = guard – literally: guard of order)


Example sentences:

Lassíts, mert megállít a rendőr!

Slow-you down, because stop(actively) the policeman/policewoman!

Slow down, because the policeman/policewoman will stop you otherwise.


A rendőrök folyamatosan köröznek az utakon.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam-they the streets-on.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam the streets.


Related terms:

büntetés – fine (n.), punishment

egyenruha – uniform

kék – blue

köröz – to cruise, to go in circles

letartóztat – to arrest

őr – guard

őriz – to guard

rend – order (n.)

rendes – orderly

rendezett – tidy, in order

rendőrautó – policecar

rendőrnő – policewoman (While there’s this separate term for policewomen, rendőr can also be used for female police officers.)

rendőrség – police (institution)


Additional Material for our Supporters:


Pronunciation of today’s word:

rendőr – policeman, policewoman


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Lassíts, mert megállít a rendőr!

Slow-you down, because stop(actively) the policeman/policewoman!

Slow down, because the policeman/policewoman will stop you otherwise.


A rendőrök folyamatosan köröznek az utakon.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam-they the streets-on.

The policemen/policewomen constantly roam the streets.


Pronunciation of the related terms:

büntetés – fine (n.), punishment


egyenruha – uniform


kék – blue


köröz – to cruise, to go in circles


letartóztat – to arrest


őr – guard


őriz – to guard


rend – order (n.)


rendes – orderly


rendezett – tidy, in order


rendőrautó – police car


rendőrnő – policewoman (While there’s this separate term for policewomen, rendőr can also be used for female police officers.)


rendőrség – police (institution)


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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