
OHWAD-Basic words







Example sentences:

Minden nap tanulok egy magyar szót.

Every day learn-I a Hungarian word(acc.).

I’m learning a Hungarian word every day.


Erre nincsenek szavak.

This-onto not-exist-they words.

There are no words for this.


Related terms:

ábécé – alphabet

bekezdés – paragraph

beszél – to speak

beszélget – to converse

betű – letter (alphabetic character)

a szó szoros értelmében – literally

egy szó mint száz – to put it plainly, to sum it up (literally: one word like a hundred)

mond – to say

mondat – sentence

szó nélkül – without objection (literally: without words)

szó szerint – literally

szókincs – word pool (e.g. the number of words you know – literally: word treasure)

szól – to say, to give a heads up, to sound

szótlan – wordless (used for someone who says little)

szóval – so…, that is (filling word)



Pronunciation of today’s word:

szó – word


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Minden nap tanulok egy magyar szót.

Every day learn-I a Hungarian word(acc.).

I’m learning a Hungarian word every day.


Erre nincsenek szavak.

This-onto not-exist-they words.

There are no words for this.



Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

ábécé – alphabet


bekezdés – paragraph


beszél – to speak


beszélget – to converse


betű – letter (alphabetic character)


a szó szoros értelmében – literally


egy szó mint száz – to put it plainly, to sum it up (literally: one word like a hundred)


mond – to say


mondat – sentence


szó nélkül – without objection (literally: without words)


szó szerint – literally


szókincs – word pool (e.g. the number of words you know – literally: word treasure)


szól – to say, to give a heads up, to sound


szótlan – wordless (used for someone who says little)


szóval – so…, that is (filling word)



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!


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