Example sentences:
Takaró nélkül nem tudok aludni.
Blanket without not can-I to-sleep.
I can’t sleep without a blanket.
Addig nyújtozkodj, ameddig a takaród ér!
Until-then stretch-you(imp.), until the blanket-yours reaches!
Don’t stretch beyond the length of your blanket. [Hungarian saying meaning ~Don’t have too many irons in the fire.]
Related terms:
ágy – bed
ágynemű – bedding
betakar – to tuck in sb.
hálószoba – bedroom
huzat – bedsheet
kanapé – sofa
meleg – warm
matrac – mattress
nappali – livingroom
párna – cushion
pokróc – blanket (not for sleeping)
takar – to cover
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:
Blanket without not can-I to-sleep.
I can’t sleep without a blanket.
Until-then stretch-you(imp.), until the blanket-yours reaches!
Don’t stretch beyond the length of your blanket. [Hungarian saying meaning ~Don’t have too many irons in the fire.]
Pronunciation of the Related Terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!
Hi! I thought a sheet was a LEPEDŐ, and a HUZAT is a pillowcase or a duvet cover.
What would you call a quilt?