to attack
Example sentences:
A gepárdok sokszor gazellákat támadnak.
Cheetahs often gazelles(acc.) attack-they.
Cheetahs often attack gazelles.
Ne engem támadj, ez nem az én hibám!
Not me attack-you(imp.), this not the I fault-my!
Don’t attack me, this is not my fault!
Related terms:
bánt – to hurt
elkap – to catch
erő – strength
életveszély – mortal danger
fegyver – gun
harc – fight, combat
hátulról – from behind
öl – to kill
támadás – attack (n.)
Not to be confused with:
feltámad – to resurrect
támasz – cornerstone, kingpin
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Cheetahs often gazelles(acc.) attack-they.
Cheetahs often attack gazelles.
Not me attack-you(imp.), this not the I fault-my!
Don’t attack me, this is not my fault!
Pronunciation of the related terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!
When I was young the word to arise was always foltamadt ( with 2 dots over the o) it was never feltamadt. All the liturgical books for the Hungarian Greek Catholic Church was always Foltamadt, Our greeting at Easter was Foltamadt Krisztus, NEVER FEL…. When my grandparents and great grandmother used the word to get up or arise it was always fol. Who changed this when and why?