
OHWAD-Basic words





to teach


Example sentences:

Az iskola nem tanít meg az életre.

The school not teaches [enhancement] the life-onto.

The school doesn’t teach how to live life.


Az internet sokat tud tanítani, ha jól használják.

The internet much(acc.) can to-teach, if good(adv.) use-it-they.

The internet can teach a lot if used well.


Related terms:

átmegy – to pass (an exam)

diák – student

megbukik – to fail (an exam)

tanagyag – teaching material

tanár – teacher

tankönyv – textbook

tantárgy – subject (in school)

tanterv – curriculum

tanul – to learn, to study

tanuló – learner

vizsga – exam


Pronunciation of today’s word:

tanít – to teach


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Az iskola nem tanít meg az életre.

The school not teaches [enhancement] the life-onto.

The school doesn’t teach how to live life.


Az internet sokat tud tanítani, ha jól használják.

The internet much(acc.) can to-teach, if good(adv.) use-it-they.

The internet can teach a lot if used well.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

átmegy – to pass (an exam)


diák – student


megbukik – to fail (an exam)


tanagyag – teaching material


tanár – teacher


tankönyv – textbook


tantárgy – subject (in school)


tanterv – curriculum


tanul – to learn, to study


tanuló – learner


vizsga – exam


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