
OHWAD-Basic words





to spread


Example sentences:

A betegség nagyon gyorsan terjedt.

The illness very quickly spread(past-tense).

The illness spread very quickly.


A penész terjed a falon.

The mould spreads the wall-on.

The mould is spreading on the wall.


Related terms:

akadályoz – to hinder

behatárol – to contain, to limit

elterjedt – widespread, prevalent

gyors – fast

karantén – quarantine

kialakul – to take shape, to emerge

megáll – to stall

megállít – to stop sth. actively

nő – to grow


Pronunciation of today’s word:

terjed – to spread


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

A betegség nagyon gyorsan terjedt.

The illnedd very quickly spread(past-tense).

The illness spread very quickly.


A penész terjed a falon.

The mould spreads the wall-on.

The mould is spreading on the wall.


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

akadályoz – to hinder


behatárol – to contain, to limit


elterjedt – widespread, prevalent


gyors – fast


karantén – quarantine


kialakul – to take shape, to emerge


megáll – to stall


megállít – to stop sth. actively


nő – to grow


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