
OHWAD-Basic words





forbidden, prohibited


Example sentences:

Dohányozni tilos!

To-smoke forbidden!

It’s forbidden to smoke here. [sign you see often in Hungary]


Van, aki szeret a tilosban járni.

Exists, who likes the forbidden-in to-go-regularly.

There are people who like to do forbidden things. (ie. break taboos, stretch rules, test their boundaries, etc.)


Related terms:

enged – to allow

engedékeny – permissive

kötelező – mandatory

lehet – to be possible

szabad – to be allowed, to be permitted (also: free)

szabály – rule

szigor – austerity, rigor

szigorú – strict (opposite of engedékeny)

tabu – taboo

tilt – to forbid


Pronunciation of today’s word:

tilos – forbidden, prohibited


Pronunciation of the example sentences:

Dohányozni tilos!

To-smoke forbidden!

It’s forbidden to smoke here. [sign you see often in Hungary]


Van, aki szeret a tilosban járni.

Exists, who likes the forbidden-in to-go-regularly.

There are people who like to do forbidden things. (ie. break taboos, stretch rules, test their boundaries, etc.)


Pronunciation of the related terms:

enged – to allow


engedékeny – permissive


kötelező – mandatory


lehet – to be possible


szabad – to be allowed, to be permitted (also: free)


szabály – rule


szigor – austerity, rigor


szigorú – strict (opposite of engedékeny)


tabu – taboo


tilt – to forbid


Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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