Example sentences:
Szinte minden templomnak van egy tornya.
Almost every church-for exists a tower-its.
Almost every church has a tower.
A tornyok régen fontosak voltak a városoknak.
The towers a-long-time-ago important were the cities-for.
Towers used to be important for cities.
Related terms:
kastély – castle
kilátó – lookout
kilátás – view (panoramic)
kilátótorony – lookout tower
lépcső – stairs
magas – tall, high
templom – church, temple
templomtorony – steeple
toronyőr – watchman
vár – fortress
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Almost every church-for exists a tower-its.
Almost every church has a tower.
The towers a-long-time-ago important were the cities-for.
Towers used to be important for cities.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favourite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation?
Share your thoughts, word visualizations or learning tips below in the comments and remember, the more you use a new word, the easier it will stick in your memory!
A falum egyszer Pálca-nak hivták. Aztán a templom egy tornyot épitett, aztán a neve Tornyospálca-ra változott.