
OHWAD-Basic words





to choose, to pick


Example sentences:

Nem szeretnék választani a barátaim közül.

Not want-would-I to-choose the friends-my between.

I don’t want to choose between my friends.


Választottál már ruhát az esküvőre?

Chose-you already dress(acc.) the wedding-onto?

Did you already pick a dress for the wedding?


Related terms:

dönt – to decide

döntés – decision

döntésképes – able to decide

döntésképtelen – unable to decide

lehetőség – opportunity

preferál – to prefer

választás – election, choice

válogat – to choose (to go through a large number of things, e.g. a pile of clothes)


Not to be confused with:

válasz – answer


Pronunciation of today’s word:

választ – to choose, to pick


Pronunciation of the Example Sentences:

Nem szeretnék választani a barátaim közül.

Not want-would-I to-choose the friends-my between.

I don’t want to choose between my friends.



Választottál már ruhát az esküvőre?

Chose-you already dress(acc.) the wedding-onto?

Did you already pick a dress for the wedding?


Pronunciation of the Related Terms:

dönt – to decide


döntés – decision


döntésképes – able to decide


döntésképtelen – unable to decide


lehetőség – opportunity


preferál – to prefer


választás – election, choice


válogat – to choose (to go through a large number of things, e.g. a pile of clothes)



Did you like today’s word? Do you have a favorite memory hook for it or do you get it into your brain in a completely different way? Did we miss something in the explanation? 
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