Example sentences:
Rosszul leszek, ha vért látok.
Nauseously become-I, if blood(acc.) see-I.
Blood makes me nauseous.
A vér az ereinkben kering.
The blood the veins-ours-in circulates.
Blood circulates in our veins.
Related terms:
ér – vein
fehérvérsejt – leucocyte
genny – pus
heg – scar
seb – wound, also: scab
szív – heart
vámpír – vampire
véres – bloody (not figuratively, as in bloody hell)
vérkeringés – bloodstream, blood circulation
vérsejt – blood cell
vérzik – to bleed
vörös – (dark) red
Pronunciation of today’s word:
Pronunciation of the example sentences:
Nauseously become-I, if blood(acc.) see-I.
Blood makes me nauseous.
The blood the veins-ours-in circulates.
Blood circulates in our veins.
Pronunciation of the related terms:
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